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The Journey of Discipleship

At HBIC we see discipleship (following Jesus’ example and obeying his teachings in our daily life in practical ways) as a journey we undertake together, in a variety of ways and contexts.

We have put together a Discipleship Guide you can access at the info desks in the Sanctuary or online, which will give you structure, suggestions and resources to help you engage more intentionally in discipleship in the existing rhythms and relations of your life.

Additionally, our Discipleship Team is here to provide coaching – meeting monthly to pray, discuss, bring suggestions – as you pursue discipleship with those ahead, beside and behind you on the journey. If you’re interested in sitting down with a member of the Discipleship Team to talk more, please feel free to contact Pastor Ryan.

The Discipleship Weekly Podcast with Pastor Ryan

Each week, we release a podcast episode featuring interviews with Pastor Ryan and members of our HBIC family. Listen on Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts!

Explore Opportunities for Growth

Many small groups are beginning this fall! Check out the current flyer for all of the details. If you’re interested in getting plugged in with a Life Group or Study Group (meeting at various days and times) or if you have other questions about Discipleship at HBIC, fill out the form below or contact Pastor Ryan, and he will connect you with available options!.

Interested in joining a group?