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We believe that journeying together, even while we are apart from one another, is God’s call to his Body in these days. Below you will find several ways to participate in worship and prayer with others from HBIC! We invite you to join us in these unique ways, especially as we begin Holy Week.


We continue to pray that you will experience the riches of the Lord’s presence during this time that we are not able to be present with one another!


— HBIC Pastoral Staff



Our pastoral staff will be working together each week to record a worship service for our church family. The service is available on the HBIC YouTube Channel on Sunday mornings by 9 am, as well as anytime thereafter.


Also, please take a moment to subscribe to our HBIC YouTube Channel! Reaching 100 subscribers will help us to be able to have a custom URL for the channel. (And if you click on the bell after subscribing, you’ll get notifications when something new has been added.)



The pastors have created worship resources designed to help you and your family follow along and participate with our online-worship video for Palm Sunday. We invite you to sing, pray, worship the Lord, be nourished by his Word, and reflect on Jesus’ love and sacrifice as we begin this Holy Week!


The Palm Sunday Worship-At-Home Resource Page serves as a companion to the weekly worship video on the HBIC YouTube Channel. …If you have more than one device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) and you’d like to see the lyrics to sing along, you can have the video playing on one device while you follow along with the worship resource page on the other!


And when the video service is over, you’ll have a chance to continue to reflect, as well as to discuss the message, using the questions provided.


May God bless you as you worship him at home this Palm Sunday!



Pastor Esteban and Priscilla will be recording a hymn set for personal use throughout Holy Week! You’ll be able to use the video as part of your personal worship, singing along with them anytime you’d like.


This worship video will be available on the HBIC YouTube Channel on Sunday evening, April 5, beginning at 7 pm. You’ll also be able to sing along with the various hymns and spiritual songs using the lyric sheet.



Normally each Wednesday evening during this time when we cannot meet together, we will be hosting a Virtual Prayer Meeting. During Holy Week, however, we will not be having our Wednesday time to connect. Instead, we will be hosting a special Maundy Thursday Virtual Service.


Of course, you’ll need to do some of the prep for this evening – hopefully you can get to a store before Thursday evening to pick up some bread and grape juice for your communion elements. …If you’d like to participate in communion with brothers and sisters on Thursday and won’t be able to go out to buy the elements, please send an email to Pastor Lynda, including your street address, by Sunday. We have some pre-packaged individual communion elements that can be mailed out to you on Monday for your use on Thursday. (The wafer isn’t great, but helpful in a pinch.)


We’ll be connecting with one another via Zoom, beginning at 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 9 (you’ll be able to enter the meeting 5-10 minutes beforehand). If you’re calling by phone into the meeting, call 312-626-6799, and the meeting ID is 978-523-362. If you have questions, send an email to



Let’s join together for a Prayer Vigil… Our Prayer Ministry is sponsoring 24 hours of prayer, from 8 pm on Maundy Thursday through 8 pm on Good Friday. We would love to see someone sign up to pray for every hour throughout that time. The sign-up sheet has three time slots for each hour, for you to pray wherever you are.


For anyone who would appreciate guidance for praying through your hour, a prayer sheet with scripturesand requests for HBIC is available.


Sign up for a one-hour block of time, and be sure to set a reminder in your calendar. If you have any questions, contact Tim Johnson or Pastor Hank.



Good Friday Prayer Stations… Though we can’t have prayer stations at the church this year, we will be providing, for those of you who might want to have a prayer station experience, an outline of seven prayer stations which can be done at home, based on the last words of Jesus on the cross. We invite you to think more deeply about the cross and Jesus’ sacrificial love as you go through the stations. Some of you may want to go through them one right after the other, while others may want to do one each hour throughout the day. We’ll be sending out a Good Friday Prayer Station E-Mail, with all of the details you’ll need, by early in the week.


God bless you all this Holy Week!