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Life Groups and Study Groups

We have various small groups that meet on a regular basis to journey through life together. This is a form of discipleship and a great way to connect with our HBIC community. We value learning and growth in supportive environments like these!

Each group is unique, and may include any or all of the following: fellowship, prayer, worship, study of Scripture or service. Most people who have been a part of a life group or study group say the greatest benefit is the close relationships that develop. Members learn to participate in prayer by having a conversation together with God, to study God’s Word in community, and to share personal gifts and talents with each other. These groups also offer a sense of stability and security through providing support and care in times of crisis, change, and stress.

Take a moment to check out our Discipleship group options here.

Additionally, we have a Young Adult ministry, led by Pastor Brie, who host events and studies throughout the year. Currently, the young adults (post-high school) meet at the church for breakfast on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 8:15am and for lunch on the 1st Sunday of each month at 12:45pm. For all of the details about more specific events, we invite you to check out the church calendar or our weekly email update.


At HBIC, we believe in the power of prayer! Our Prayer Ministry Team is devoted to providing opportunities for connection with the Lord and with each other through this meaningful practice.


We currently meet for regular, virtual prayer meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. To receive more information about these meetings, sign up for our weekly Journeying Together update!

If you would like prayer support, email and members of our church family will be notified to pray for you.

Wednesday Night Ministries

  • 5:30pm: Community Meal (Sanctuary)
  • 6:30pm: Kids Club for Kindergarten – 5th grade (Large and Small Youth Rooms)
  • 6:30pm: Youth Group (Location changes…contact Pastor Brie for information)
  • 6:45pm: ELL Classes (Contact the church office to register)
  • 7pm: Prayer meeting (Zoom)

Ready to Join the HBIC Family?

At HBIC, we believe water baptism is a celebration of your decision to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Just as the symbols of the wedding and wedding ring are a declaration of a marriage covenant, water baptism is the outward declaration of the covenant you’ve made with God. As your church, we would like to stand with you as you publicly declare you have made the decision to surrender your life to the Lord. Baptisms are part of our Sunday services and include classes (for all ages) covering the meaning, the significance, and the details of baptism. If you would like to learn more about water baptism in the Brethren in Christ Church, please take a moment to read Baptism & Belonging.

Have you ever wondered what church membership is all about? In church membership, individuals submit themselves to the authority of the Bible, proclaim their faith in Christ and their desire to live a holy life, and commit themselves to the teaching and ministry of HBIC. Such a commitment is lived out by attending, serving, giving, and caring for one’s brothers and sisters in Christ. The leadership of our church also pledges to assist members with care, counsel, encouragement, prayer, and spiritual growth.

If you are interested in learning more about membership in the Brethren in Christ, and in our church in particular, plan to take the Rooted Series classes then join Pastors Hank and Lynda for a Membership Class that will be offered regularly. These classes are typically held on Sundays and include a light lunch followed by the session.

Contact the church office for more information on baptism and membership ( or 717-561-2170, ext. 101).