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“I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
Genesis 9:15-16
Dear HBIC Family,
Today, America inaugurated a new President and Vice-President. The peaceful transfer of power is something I have never taken for granted. My first inauguration was Bill Clinton’s first as President. I remember our work stopping in Mrs. Spooner’s 5th Grade class and being told that it was historic. Witnessing history, though, was not what blew me away. No. As a child who fled my homeland due to civil war, and as a refugee then in America, the peaceful transition of power was breathtaking.
I have learned that quite often during inaugurations, a group of people feel all the hope while another may just be trying to fight all the gloom. For those who celebrated today, remember that the work continues tomorrow. For those unhappy with the news of today, remember that the work continues tomorrow. Christ is Lord of heaven and earth. Our citizenship is in heaven. All of us that believe in Jesus have the Spirit within. We are together called to work for “on earth as it is in heaven.” One way we do that is by loving one another and working for better tomorrows for a greater number of people.
I have been consistently reminded during these last few months of our need for unity. I have been challenged by the Spirit, though, to not just cry out for unity, but to actually be willing to do the work of unity. Unity cannot come without accountability. Unity cannot last without vulnerability and truthfulness among one another. Unity cannot survive without love, forgiveness and trust. God calls us to be peacemakers here. May we be reminded today to pledge again to live and love as Christ lived and loved, for in Christ, we remain members of one another.
This week, we will be continuing our new Remembrance sermon series. We will be revisiting Noah and his family as God comes down to make a covenant. In doing so, God makes promises that are binding forever. Thus, these promises are a blessing to Noah and his family, to us and to all of creation. To prepare for this week’s service, I would like to invite you to read and meditate on Genesis 8-9:17, especially focusing on the portion in chapter 9. To help you reflect, I would like to ask you to focus on the following questions:
When has God saved you?
When has God been faithful to you?
When have you been reminded of God’s promises recently?
What are the markers in your life that remind you of times when God’s love has carried you through?
In Christ, we live and move and have our being. In the Spirit, we grow, we are transformed and we walk in the light. Our God is faithful. The words of God are good and true. We are blessed to receive God’s promises. I love the fact that, with every rainbow, we get the blessing of a marker of God’s tender care for us and all of creation.
Praise our God from whom all blessings flow. Praise the Spirit that gifts us life. And praise Jesus our Lord, God’s ultimate fulfilled promise to us.
God bless you all, and take care.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Hank (Genesis 9:15-16)