Worship Services
We currently host two worship services in the same style at 9am and 11am.
Many us have been following and engaging online. We offer live-streaming for our 9am service, accessible on our YouTube Channel and on Facebook.
No matter how you choose to join us, we are committed to providing an environment where freedom in worship is experienced. Please feel free to sing, sit, stand, raise your hands or dance. Many from our church family feel more comfortable wearing a mask, and we welcome you to do so if you desire!
We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you into our HBIC family and worship with you soon!

Sunday School
We offer Sunday school classes for children, youth and adults!
Youth in grades 6-12 are dismissed from the service after the pastoral prayer to meet during our 9am and 11am services. These classes meet in the Large Youth Room.
Children 2 years old and under, 3-4 year olds and K-5th grade meet during both the 9am and 11am services. K–5th grade children will sit with their families at the start of the service and will also be dismissed after the pastoral prayer. These classes meet in the CE Room and in various small classrooms.
Adults have opportunities to grow through various discipleship groups. Check out the current offerings here.
Wondering what to wear?
If you’re worshipping with us in person, we invite you to dress comfortably! You’ll notice that our church is diverse in many ways. You’ll feel right at home wearing anything from shorts, to jeans, to business casual to suits.
2217 Derry Street
Harrisburg, PA 17104