During this time of crisis, when we are ordered to be more isolated, physically distanced from one another, we want to explore the possibility of forming Virtual Life Groups for those who aren’t already involved in a Life Group of some sort. Though many people in our church family are involved in Life Groups, we know there are still others who haven’t yet connected with others in this way. Life Groups meet together for Bible study, prayer, encouragement, friendship, etc., and they’re a great way for you to feel personally connected to the HBIC community and to learn and grow in a supportive environment.
Perhaps meeting in a Virtual Life Group would be of interest to you, especially during this time of Covid-19 when we can’t meet in person as a congregation. If you’d be interested, please contact Pastor Woody, by email at pastorwoody@harrisburgbic.org, or by phone at 717-558-9678.
Also, during this time, we’ve thought of expanding our discipleship groups by forming some new groups that will have virtual meetings to go through our Following Christ into All of Life discipleship curriculum. You can share your interest in these groups with Pastor Woody as well.
Do you have a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, or a desktop computer with a camera and microphone? If so, you have all that you’d need to be part of a virtual group that will meet together using today’s technologies. Be sure to let us know of your interest within the next week so we can begin the work of forming groups!
Be sure to let us know of your interest within the next week, by April 4, so we can begin the work of forming groups!