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Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4

Dear HBIC Family, 

During the season of Lent, we are invited to walk together with God. On this march, we take up our crosses and follow Jesus knowing that before glory comes sacrifice, and before celebration must come purposeful action. As we draw closer to God together, our eyes and hearts are opened to see and feel a God who is present with us, light in every dark, and peace in every trouble. 

During Lent, we also walk with God alone. On this journey, we traverse the wilderness with prayer, self-denial, and renewed daily commitment to repent and reconcile with God. In so doing, we can grow our reliance on God for breath and life, be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, and look to Jesus for hope and help. 

A common focus during Lent is self-denial. We choose to fast on things of earth, to help us gain a stronger hold of heaven. We strive harder to break dependence on things that won’t last to help us keep sight of the everlasting. And we ask for God to increase as we decrease, praying that God’s presence, power, and provision would be felt, seen, and known by us, through us, and for our world. 

As you prepare for this week’s services, I would like to invite you to read and meditate on Matthew 4:1-11. As you reflect, I would like to ask you to focus on the following questions: 

  • What does it mean to be in the wilderness?? Where do you see God here?? How is God gifting you life and sustenance today? 
  • What does submission to God look like for you today? 
  • Where do you need to more fully rely on God? 
  • How have you worshiped God this week in all you have said and done? 

I love the story of Jesus in the wilderness. He is led out there by the Spirit to be tested by the devil. It is only when Jesus is seemingly at his weakest that the tempter arrives. Yet at Jesus’ most vulnerable point, he recalls the Scriptures, relies on the Spirit, and remembers to stand on the promises of God. 

My sisters and brothers, we have a God that is with us in every wilderness. The Holy Spirit breathes life into us and is available to us as a light and a guide. Jesus is our example, the author and finisher of our faith, the lover of our souls, and present with us in all our sacrifice. 

God bless you all and take care. 

Love in Christ, 

Pastor Hank (Matthew 4:4)

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