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Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

Dear HBIC Family,

Years ago (and many times since), I heard Pastor Woody share that our church is one of the churches in our denomination that is most committed to spreading the gospel and sending out people on mission for the kingdom. I was new. I had no way of knowing how true that was. But it was exciting to know that, at Harrisburg Brethren in Christ Church, I was walking into a family that had a heart for the nations and for people, far and close. 

Over the course of the next year, I was able to make the shift from HBIC does so much…to God is using as HBIC to do this work together. Along the way, I met and learned the stories of missionaries across continents, and some serving even here in our city. I met individuals young and old who were committed to a vocation of service and sharing God’s love, and to being a community where people can be seen, valued, and loved. 

We remain a church on mission for the kingdom. We share the gospel by being disciples who disciple others, witnesses whose lives testify about our God’s rich grace and mercy, and servants who partner with God and each other to meet the needs of our communities. It is a gift of God to be in a family here at HBIC that remains faithful in using our many blessings to bless and encourage others

This Sunday, we will celebrate our annual Missions Sunday! We hope you’ll plan to join us, either in person or online, for this special service. Marvin Lorenzana, President of Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM), will be with us to share the morning’s message, “God’s Heart for the Nations.” We’re looking forward to the inspiration and challenge growing out of Marvin’s and his wife, Mariana’s, service and leadership with EMM!

Each year on Missions Sunday, we take a special Missions Offering, which is used primarily to provide a love gift to all of the missionaries sent out from our church (currently we have 14 individuals or families serving). Our Offering Goal for this year is $14,000 or more. It will take many gifts, both large and small, to reach this goal. As God directs us, let’s give generously to bless our missionaries this year. You can give your Missions Offering in person at our services this week, or you can give online or mail a check to the church (marked for Missions Offering) anytime between now and the end of November.

As you prepare for this week’s service, I would like to invite you to read and meditate on Matthew 28:16-20. As you reflect, I would like to ask you to focus on the following questions:

  • How do you define being on mission for God? How is that seen in your life?
  • Name one time God used someone to help you see the kingdom in a new way.
  • What is the biggest challenge for you in being a disciple of Christ?
  • What is the biggest obstacle keeping you from discipling one person, right now?
  • How can God use you today to bless the nations?
  • How can God use you today for the kingdom?

I was recently reminded of those old church signs at the exit doors of the sanctuaries, or as you exit church parking lots, that remind all leaving…that they are now entering the mission field. This teaches all of us that God has sent us to our world and to our everyday scenes. It holds no one exempt. It commands all. And it points to the expectation that all we have, and all we are must be in service of our God and King

I also love that we keep the mission in mind, for those called to a harvest far from home and as full-time vocation. We have many in our church. This Sunday, we will remember the fourteen individuals and families that have been designated by our church. We will give thanks to God for the kingdom work through them. We will praise God, who loves all the nations. And we will rededicate ourselves to supporting and encouraging them. 

Sisters and brothers, may we continue to seek God first, and work together for the kingdom. May we, who have been blessed, continue to be a blessing. And may all of us, as children of light, live to bring others out of the darkness and home…into the heart of God. 

God bless you all!

Love in Christ,

Pastor Hank (Matthew 28:18-20)

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