Meet the Next Steps Team members
Learn more about these HBIC leaders by checking out the bio beneath each member’s photo.
To contact the team and contribute your thoughts or questions, visit the Next Steps Home page!
Brie Thompson accepted the position of Pastor of Youth and Young Adult Ministries in August of 2019.
Chad has attended Harrisburg BIC since 2004 when he bought a home and moved to downtown Harrisburg. Prior to attending HBIC, Chad served as a youth & young adult pastor at Dillsburg BIC, Millersville…
Fellistus was born and raised into a Brethren in Christ family in Zambia and attended Carlisle Brethren in Christ while at Messiah College. As a member of Harrisburg BIC Church since 2013, she has held…
Hank Johnson, Senior Pastor
Hank joined the staff of the Harrisburg Brethren in Christ Church as Pastor of Youth Ministries in September 2008.
Anthony (please call him Tony) House. Child of the King, Bill and Ertha House’s oldest son, Kyle (Alicia) and Khara’s Dad (and now Roman and Remy’s Granddaddy). Tony cannot recall the year he and his…